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A mother and daughter smile after visiting their school counselor after receiving a plan

Learn More About Our Assessment Solutions

Your time is valuable. Your resources are limited. How can you do more—and help more people within the boundaries of the clinical or educational system you’re working in? 

You’re dedicated to helping others. Let us support you.

PAR Advisors and Specialists are here to support you. Whether you’re conducting research, treating patients, responsible for assessment outcomes, or teaching students, you’ll benefit from the targeted solutions we can provide. 

We do the work for you! 

  • Customized assessment batteries focused on your practice needs 
  • Free training on new instruments (that can also be used in your curriculum) 
  • Materials and information to help support you with grant and manuscript preparation 
  • New perspectives to improve patient care outcomes 
  • Prewritten short paragraphs of psychometric data on select PAR products 
A clinical psychologist working in his office

Product Write Ups

Use our short descriptions of PAR-proprietary products for your preparation of grant applications, and manuscript and report writing.

Contact Your Assessment Advisor

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