RIAS European Spanish

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales: Spanish With Norms



Measures verbal and nonverbal intelligence and memory


Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, and Randy W. Kamphaus, PhD

Administration Formats


Additional Details

An IQ Test for Clinicians and Clients who Speak Spanish

The RIAS materials, including the manual, have been translated into Spanish and designed especially for Spanish-speaking clinicians and their clients.

  • Instrument has been translated into European Spanish. No English-language materials are included.
  • All normative data were collected in Spain.
  • Certain test items and stimuli in this translation vary from the English version because of cultural and linguistic differences between the countries and their language.
  • The RIAS screener, the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test™ (RIST™), has also been translated and normed with a Spanish population.

Note: Due to licensing restrictions, this product may not be sold by PAR in Spain, Central America, or South America.

Photo of Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales ™ : Spanish With Norms
Age Range 3 years to 94 years
Qualification Level C

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RIAS: Spanish With Norms Complete Kit


RIST: Spanish With Norms Complete Kit


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