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two PAR researchers review their findings

Partner with PAR Data Collection & Research

Partner with PAR on data collection, or research. We cannot publish new tests, revise older tests, or conduct research without the valuable contributions of mental health professionals such as yourself.

Data Collection

PAR is currently collecting normative, reliability, and validity data for several new tests in development. Data collectors are responsible for obtaining test subjects based on the specific project needs as outlined by the Data Collection Coordinator and are compensated on a “per case” basis that varies with each project. 

Sample needs vary by project. All our project samples are designed to be representative of the U.S. Census; therefore, each data collection project requires specific participant demographic characteristics. Many projects require both clinical and standardization or normative, data. For each project, you’ll be informed of the sample needs as well as exclusion and inclusion criteria for participants. For any questions or concerns about data collection with PAR, please contact our Data Collection and Research team.

Steps to becoming a data collector

Professionals who are appropriately trained to administer, score, and interpret psychological tests are welcome to collect data on the tests we develop. For many projects, we welcome trainees under the supervision of a qualified professional to collect data as well. 

Submit forms and information for registration

  1. Submit the Data Collector Registration form.

  2. Submit both the  W9 and  ACH (direct deposit) forms.

We can then set you up as a PAR vendor. Once you’re established as a vendor, you’ll receive an invitation to register.

Research Participants

Sample needs vary by project. All our project samples are designed to be representative of the U.S. Census; therefore, each data collection project requires specific participant demographic characteristics. Many projects require both clinical and standardization, or normative, data. For each project, you’ll be informed of the sample needs as well as exclusion and inclusion criteria for participants. 

Research participants do not need to register or provide contact information prior to being tested for data collection purposes. When a project begins, you are free to recruit eligible participants to whom you have access. Research participants will sign a unique informed consent form, which PAR will provide, for each project. 


Typically, PAR offers examiners/data collectors an option for either cash payments or credit toward PAR products and has provisions for compensating examinees. PAR pays for all shipping and handling fees arising from data collection. 

Data collectors are compensated on a weekly basis via direct deposit for cases completed during the previous week across all open projects. We do not collect personal or tax information from research participants; therefore, PAR pays only examiners. You may elect to distribute some of this compensation to your participants in the form of gift cards, which can be purchased by PAR and sent to you to distribute. Many projects offer a choice of cash payment or PARiConnect product credit.


Data collectors for PAR are encouraged to get involved in data collection projects that pique their interest and need participants to which they have access. There is no minimum requirement for completing cases. However, we do set a maximum number of cases that can be accepted from any one examiner/site so that we can ensure geographic diversity in our samples. 

Data collectors/examiners are expected to uphold ethical professional principles and integrity by providing accurate, complete, and valid data to the best of their ability and keeping PAR proprietary information confidential.

Publishing Opportunities

PAR is always interested in ideas for assessment instruments that reflect new research and perspectives, and we invite you to be a part of our future. Psychological assessment is a rapidly changing field, and, at PAR, we want to provide our customers with the tools they need to support the important work they do. Throughout our history, we have worked with some of the most respected authors in the field, and now we’re working to help build the next generation of psychological assessment expertise. Naturally, technology will be a part of that future, and PAR is evaluating the many ways advances in technology can be used to improve the usability, flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of our products.

If you are developing an assessment resource that may be appropriate for PAR, or if you have ideas about enhancements or extensions to current PAR products, please contact us. We encourage you to get in touch as early as possible in the development process to discuss your product idea or proposal and to identify the ways we can assist you in shaping your project for greater potential success. Authors of testing instruments accepted for publication will receive guidelines for the preparation of files, format, style, and other essential information. Review the Proposal Requirements document for an outline of what should be addressed in your proposal

What should be included in my proposal?

The following questions are designed to help you prepare your product submission. Each applicable question should be addressed in your proposal.

Purpose and Rationale for the Test

  1. What does the test measure?
  2. What are the concepts or theories underlying the development of this test?
  3. What demonstrated need does this test serve?

Description of the Test

  1. What is the structure of the instrument: How many subtests? What does each subtest measure? How many items does the test contain? What types of scores are generated?
  2. What is the format of the test: Group or individual administration? Multiple-choice, open-ended, or other types of items?
  3. What are the required response modes of the test: Oral, paper-and-pencil, pointing to the correct answer, motoric, computerized, etc.?
  4. What is the total estimated time required for administration?
  5. What is the proposed scoring procedure? How long will it take to score the test?
  6. Describe the proposed normative standard and procedures. How long will it take for the user to obtain normative scores?


What reusable components will be required for administering, scoring, and interpreting the test (e.g., test manuals, scoring keys, test plates, booklets, manipulatives)? Describe your vision of the test in terms of page size, number of pages, colors of ink, special forms (e.g., multi-forms, self-carboning, ScanDocs), use of graphic images, photographs, line drawings, other illustrations, etc.

Primary Markets

  1. What is the target population for the test (i.e., demographic characteristics such as age, gender, etc.)?
  2. Who are the potential purchasers and users of this test? What professional disciplines are served by this test?
  3. Which settings would be appropriate for use of this test (e.g., schools, private clinics, hospitals, private practice)?

Market Competition and Special Features of the Test

What other tests are currently available that serve a similar function? If other similar tests are available, what features would set this test apart from its competitors? Why would an examiner want to use this test instead of other, similar tests?

Empirical Research

Note: If these studies are yet to be done, provide methodological details of planned studies (i.e., sample size, sampling strategies, sources for the data, statistics to be used, time frame for completion, etc.).

  1. Describe how the test items were/will be developed (e.g., item writing, bias panel review, item tryout, and revision of the item pool).
  2. Describe the reliability of the test (e.g., internal consistency, alternate forms reliability, interrater reliability, and test-retest reliability/temporal stability) or describe how the reliability will be examined.
  3. Describe the validity of the test (e.g., content, construct, and criterion-related validity) or how the validity will be established.
  4. Describe the normative comparison groups and the procedures used (or the procedures that will be used) to collect these data.
  5. Describe future/other research and development work that should be completed prior to publication of the test. Discuss anticipated completion date, funding needs, and research responsibilities. Describe your idea of the role PAR could play in the remaining research and development.

How Do I Submit My Proposal?

Be assured that all materials submitted to PAR are the exclusive property of the author(s) and are accessible only on a need-to-know basis. All reviews are conducted in a confidential manner, and no one else is informed that you have submitted materials to PAR for review.

We hope that you will consider working with PAR to develop the next generation of psychological assessment materials. Together, we can create connections and change lives.

Melissa Messer, MHS
Vice President of R&D, Chief Product Officer
PAR, Inc.
16204 North Florida Avenue
Lutz, FL 33549
Phone: 813.968.3003 / Fax: 813.449.4114

Data Program

The purpose of PAR’s Data Program, a research program launched by PAR in 2020, is to gather additional data on our existing tests with the goal of further validating our instruments as well as identifying and developing product enhancements and features that will allow our customers to better meet the needs of those they serve. 

In alignment with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education, 2014), PAR has always emphasized fairness in all aspects of test development across diverse populations and contexts. However, one real challenge in product development is having access to these populations. We invite clinicians, researchers, and other professionals to partner with PAR to advance the breadth and scope of solutions we can provide across a wide range of populations, with a focus on underserved populations. 

Data Program Objectives

  • Partner and collaborate with professionals who have collected data with one or more PAR products. 
  • Enhance our existing solutions in order to increase the number of individuals our customers are able to serve.  

  • Over the long term, develop an open-source repository where data can be shared with researchers, clinicians, and other professionals. 

Interested in participating? Please complete the 5-minute Data Program Survey to get started. 

Research and Development

PAR invites proposals from non-student investigators for research and development on PAR instruments. Only one proposal per investigator will be considered unless PAR has expressly invited specific proposals.

Priority will be given to studies that include these criteria

  • Validate PAR instruments in various settings, including schools, clinical, medical, outpatient, neuropsychological inpatient, residential, VA, and forensic settings.

  • Utilize PAR instruments for the purposes of developing and validating empirically validated treatments/interventions.

  • Focus on validating PAR instruments with Spanish-speaking populations within the U.S. as well as other underrepresented populations.

Although these areas have been identified as research priorities, we do not wish to discourage the submission of proposals in other areas that focus on the use of PAR instruments.

Submission Process

Complete the downloadable Research Proposal Form, providing thorough and detailed responses. Requests will be formally reviewed by the PAR’s Research and Development Team as to the quality of the proposal and the importance of the proposed research/development. The team will be asked to comment on the strengths and/or weaknesses of proposals.

Proposals will be reviewed two times during the calendar year (May 1 and October 1).