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Digital Record Form

The Innovative Way to Administer a Performance-Based Test

Innovative Features

Increase Administration Confidence

Streamline the administration of the RIAS-2 by eliminating the shuffling of the paper Record Form pages. With built-in rules preventing errors in administration and scoring, feel more confident giving a performance-based test as the DRF helps you digitally manage the administration and scoring.

Simple Technology

Use only one device to administer the test and no Bluetooth connection or app is required. Works with either Apple or Android formats. 

Flexible Administration

Mix and match between the Digital Record Form, paper Record Form, e-Stimulus book, and paper stimulus book based on your preferences.


While in progress, the Digital Record Form
can be saved, closed/reopened, and edited.


Includes space to make notes and add observations. Simply record important information on specific items and return later to review. 


Flag an item to return to later.

Additional Benefits

A psychologist gives instructions during a live PAR webinar


The DRF takes into account the age-based start points for each subtest and auto-advances to the correct item. Seamlessly progress through each subtest based on the administration rules (i.e., basal, reverse, and discontinue rules).


No reason to lug around extra devices, update an app, or worry about a Bluetooth connection.


Scoring and interpretation within PARiConnect is seamless.

Simple Purchasing

Just purchase the uses that you need, in the same way i-Admins are purchased. No subscription fees are required.

Digital Record Form Compared to Printed 

Digital Record Form

Print Record Form

Administration ErrorsAuto-advances on administration ruleCan be challenging to determine start points and to track whether the basal or discontinue rules have been met 
Scoring ErrorsCalculations done by DRF Proper scoring requires regular checking and rechecking of responses and arithmetic
Scoring TimeNo hand scoring Requires significant amount of hand scoring
Record KeepingDRF is saved in client’s profile Clinicians must maintain paper forms in order to preserve verbatim responses, notes made during administration, item-level information, etc.


Technical Requirements

We recommend using a standard iPad with the latest version of iPadOS for the best experience. Though any tablet or device with a touch screen is acceptable, a minimum device diagonal of 9.7 inches is recommended. We support iPadOS 17 or higher and Android 15 or higher. 

DRFs are accessed via PARiConnect, PAR’s online assessment platform. PARiConnect requires an Internet connection and the latest version of Chrome™, Safari®, Firefox®, or Edge™. 

Recommended accessories

  1. A stylus for writing notes and examinee verbatim responses
  2. A stopwatch or device with a timer for timed subtests
  3. A durable case with an anti-glare screen cover to minimize glare from interior lighting

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Digital Record Form?

The Digital Record Form (DRF) is an innovative tool designed to streamline the administration of performance-based tests. It uses built-in logic to progress to age-based start points for each subtest and seamlessly progress through each subtest based on the administration rules (i.e., basal, reverse, and discontinue rules). It simply replaces the printed Record Form; you can continue using your current paper or digital stimulus book. The DRF automatically tallies raw scores for each subtest, which can then be submitted for an interpretive or score report. You can also view a completed DRF at any time and generate a Digital Record Form PDF, which includes all item level information, verbatim responses, and notes, that can be saved or printed for your records.

How do I learn how to use Digital Record Forms? 

Coming soon!  Login to PAR Training or access the PARiConnect Help Topics area to quickly get up and running with the DRF:

PAR Training | PARiConnect


How do I start using Digital Record Forms? 

Just purchase the uses that you need, in the same way i-Admins are purchased. No subscription fees are required. 

What are the technical requirements for DRFs? 

We recommend using a standard iPad with the latest version of iPadOS for the best experience. Though any tablet or device with a touch screen is acceptable, a minimum device diagonal of 9.7 inches is recommended. We support iPadOS 17 or higher and Android 15 or higher.

DRFs are accessed via PARiConnect, PAR’s online assessment platform. PARiConnect requires an Internet connection and the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge.

Can DRFs be used with any type of tablet?

Yes. Any tablet or device with a touch screen is acceptable, though a minimum device diagonal of 9.7 inches is recommended.

Can I use the DRF on a desktop or laptop computer instead of a tablet? 

Desktop or laptop computers are not recommended as they can interfere with clinician/client rapport and may not have touch screen capabilities required for writing verbatim responses and notes.

What accessories do we recommend? 

We recommend: 1. stylus for writing notes and examinee verbatim responses, 2. stopwatch or device with a timer for timed subtests, and 3. durable case with an anti-glare screen cover to minimize glare from interior lighting.

Are DRFs HIPAA compliant? 

Yes, see PAR's Trust Center for more information.

If I use the DRF, do I still need paper materials (i.e., Response Forms) to administer some subtests? 

Yes, Response Forms are still required for subtests where the examinee needs to write a response. For the RIAS-2, this applies to the Speeded Picture Search subtest.

Can I still generate Score and Interpretive Reports from the DRF administration?

Yes. Just like using the Enter from Paper option on PARiconnect, Score and Interpretive Reports can be generated once you have completed a Digital Record Form administration. Just purchase the report uses that you need. No subscription fees are required.

Do I have a permanent record of my client’s responses if I administer using the DRF? 

Once you have completed a Digital Record Form administration, you can view the Digital Record Form by selecting the View button on the Completed Assessments tab on the PARiConnect Home screen. You can also generate a Digital Record Form PDF, which includes all item level information, verbatim responses, and notes, that can be saved or printed for your records.

Can I export Digital Record Form data?

Yes, you can export Digital Record Form data for single or multiple clients by going to the Exports tab in PARiConnect. The export includes client demographic information, item level responses and scores, as well as subtest/index scores.

Can a DRF be used with Remote e-Stimulus Books? 

No, DRFs are designed to be used for in-person administrations using the print Stimulus Books or In-Person e-Stimulus Books.