Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory



Quickly screens for symptoms of depression


William M. Reynolds, PhD, and Kenneth A. Kobak, PhD

Administration Formats


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Quickly assesses DSM-IV™-specified Symptomatology for Major Depressive Disorder

The 19 items of the RDSI measure the severity of contemporary depressive symptoms. Although a formal diagnosis is not provided, empirically derived cutoff scores identify individuals who may be at risk for more serious, diagnostic forms of depression.

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Features and benefits

  • Development sample consisted of 531 nonreferred community adults and 324 psychiatric outpatients (including 150 outpatients diagnosed with major depression).
  • Highly reliable and internally consistent, with high alpha coefficients (.93 and .90 for the community and psychiatric outpatient samples, respectively). Test-retest reliability of the RDSI also is very high (rtt = .94).
  • The RDSI showed a high correlation with the BDI® (r = .94) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale clinical interview (r = .93).
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Photo of Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory ™
Age Range 18 years to 89 years
Admin Time 5-10 minutes to administer
Qualification Level S

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