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PAR's Vice President and Chief Product Officer, Melissa Messer

Melissa A. Messer, MHS

Vice President and Chief Product Officer

Melissa A. Messer, MHS, is the Vice President of Research and Development and Chief Product Officer for PAR, Inc. She oversees all new product acquisitions and development as well as the content, production, data, and product owners. Melissa received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Florida. 

Melissa joined PAR in 2002. During her time at PAR, she has worked on the development of more than 40 products. Melissa is the author of several PAR products, including the Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) series, the Working Styles Assessment (WSA), and the Work Values Inventory (WVI). In addition, she has coauthored multiple editions of John Holland’s Self-Directed Search (SDS).