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Workforce Solutions

Your clients are counting on you to help them find the best educational or career path.  Help them succeed with scientifically valid assessment tools from PAR. 

Assessment Tools that Positively Impact Individuals and Organizations Worldwide

PAR offers a wide range of products that support the career and talent needs of businesses, schools and universities, government agencies, and our military. Organizations worldwide use our psychologically backed assessment instruments to help their clients make choices that lead to fulfilling and financially strong futures.

PAR assessment tools not only provide individuals with clarity and guidance on their educational and career paths, but they also support organizations in hiring the right talent and developing the talent they have. PAR empowers organizations to be stronger and develop employees who are happier, engaged, and more productive.

You can rely on PAR assessment tools to:

  • Guide you in hiring the right person from your job candidate pool
  • Uncover employee personality traits that may affect job performance
  • Provide career options to inmates ready to transition out of prison
  • Help determine if a service member is ready for advancement or that special assignment
  • Deliver your service members the clarity they deserve in transitioning to civilian life
  • Give your students guidance on the education needed for their career path

No matter your specialty, PAR can support you.

HR Professionals & Talent Managers

Rely on tools from PAR to provide objective data to support your hiring and staff development efforts. Our assessment tools empower you with actionable, reliable, and trusted information. Take the guesswork out of determining if a candidate is a good fit, or what areas a current employee needs to improve upon to grow by administering the NEO Inventories or a test from InVista. Dig deeper into work values with the Work Values Inventory (WVI) or work styles with the Working Styles Assessment (WSA). Administer one test or a battery to gain insight into personality and the driving forces of performance.


Career Specialists

First-Year Experience (FYE) professionals, TRIO directors, and other career counselors use PAR products to get students on the right path to success. Our wealth of tools can help you guide students to the right career based on their interests, values, and personality.  

  • High school guidance counselors recommend that juniors take the Self-Directed Search (SDS) to get them thinking about the careers that interest them and the education that may be required before their senior year.
  • TRIO directors rely on our assessment tools to help students who are the first in their family considering college to think about their future.
  • FYE professionals can administer the Kane Learning Difficulties Assessment (KLDA) to screen college freshmen to determine if they’re ready for the rigors of college life or possibly reveal a learning disability that has not been previously diagnosed.

Regardless of the nuances of your student population, PAR assessment tools can help with career and educational exploration.  

Active Service Members & Veterans

Do you need to know if your service member is fit for that special assignment or is ready for advancement? Digging deeper into personality characteristics that could impact mission success is vitally important. The NEO Inventories will support you in obtaining critical information about those being considered for new roles. 

Transitioning Veterans Consultants

Are you working with service members returning to civilian life? Give the VeteranSDS to provide them with clarity on career paths that fit their personality, and any additional education needed. Included in the interactive report are listings of jobs or programs of study by their military occupational specialty, so they can continue on the same career path if desired. Help them make the right career choice to set them on the path for life satisfaction as well as financial health. 

Correctional Case Managers

Integrate the Self-Directed Search (SDS) into the transitioning phase of your treatment plan to guide inmates in understanding their personalities and what jobs and fields of study fit them best. The test has simple yes/no questions and only takes about 20 minutes to complete online. Once finished, they will receive a detailed report of careers that match their personality, descriptions of those careers, extra education if needed, and schools that teach those programs. Help your clients see their strengths and provide them with resources and a plan to transition them back into society.

Tools to Guide People Toward Ideal Career and Education Paths

PAR offers support for talent management, TRIO directors, HR, and C-suite professionals. Whether you are managing a small staff of employees, large teams of military personnel, or groups of high school or university students, we can help you measure personality, job preferences, and work values that can impact your client’s path forward.

Need help selecting assessments or wish to discuss your specific needs?

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