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The PAI Plus is Now Available as Part of the PAI Software Portfolio!


The PAI Plus takes the existing PAI items and gives users an updated way to interpret the data. Using the original PAI items, the new report offers: 

  • DSM-5® update: Diagnostic possibilities align with the most up-to-date criteria.
  • Alternative Model for Personality Disorders Profile: An optional new profile scores the PAI in accordance with the model.
  • Additional supplemental indices: 15 new supplemental indices plus supplemental clinical indicators provide additional profile information.
  • Context-specific norm groups: Profile overlays for new normative groups can be compared to the examinee's profile.

The PAI-SP offers exclusive features

The PAI Plus Interpretive Explorer, only available on the PAI-SP, enables you to interact with PAI reports to access definitions, review supplemental indexes, and compare client data with normative and clinical samples to offer additional insights into your client.

Further additions allow users to compare client scores to context-specific norm groups via scores.

Order or upgrade today!

Personality Software PAI